What To Avoid In A High School Research Paper; Simple Directions

A good research paper is basic to the view of your work as far as any high school teacher is concerned. Students tend to view research papers as tough academic assignments thus fear the outcome of any research paper. But what are the don’ts of a high school research paper?

Topic choice

The topic you choose is very key to what you will manage to put down in the end. One should choose a topic they are familiar with to avoid compromise in writing. The familiar you are with any topic, the better your presentation of the key points in your research paper. Thus it is important to avoid choosing unfamiliar topic(s) for research


If you are familiar with the topic, it is very tempting to assume you can just seat down and write. If you do this, you might end up writing unsupported myths. No matter how good you think you are, always take time to plan and draft your paper before writing the actual paper.


A wide are of scope of research, gives your enough materials. Ensure that you don’t depend on one research source but read widely to access enough and credible materials for your paper presentation.

Source management

The internet is a pool of thoughts and ideas from different people. Also books represent different ideologies. Avoid being overly dependent on one writer or organization work in writing. You may end up with a lot of fiction in your final presentation hence miss credits.

Source cards

Whatever your source, never leave out their name when you write down the reference source. Also, avoid using abbreviation of author’s name since people have common abbreviation. Never fail to indicate the number of source and type credit cards on the upper right hand side.


Teachers will require you to use different formats in different research papers. Do not use a format you are more flexible with in writing if that is not the recommended format.


Plagiarism is when you copy or using someone’s words as if they are yours. Avoid such in writing and quotation marks if you have to use someone’s words.

Work presentation

Every point has its own weight. Avoid mixing your points, or placing them in a disorderly manner. To make your work appealing, avoid overwriting a point with another. Thus making sure all your points bring out a common meaning, goal and order.

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